Thursday, May 17, 2012

Peachy Challenge 18 :: Anything Goes

Good Morning Peachies! 
I'm super excited because today is our
This is the one challenge we limit to 
only Peachy Keen Stamps.
But the great thing is, you can make ANY project you'd like - go wild!

Create a project using Peachy Keen Stamps
Anything goes!

We'll be awarding "TOP PEACH" to the player who uses their Peachy Keen Stamps this week and  our two runner ups will receive a spiffy badge to display on their blog!

- Design must be new
- Link up by 5/23 - 11:59 pm EST **Note: you do not need a blog to participate, you can upload your photo directly to the inlinkz widget by clicking "add link". It will prompt you to upload any photo up to 1mb**
- For this particular challenge, you must use Peachy Keen Stamps to link up. (For other challenges, you don't need our stamps to play along, this only applies to the "Anything Goes" Challenge)
- Sorry, any entry that does not meet the guidelines for this challenge (does not use Peachy Keen Stamps) will be automatically removed without notice. 

Ready for some inspiration? Here IT is:

Jennie Garcia
Heather Hoffman
Glorajean Beardall
Kim Score
Aren't the projects awesome? Be sure to visit each designer's blog to see which Peachies they used to create for today!


Ok guys, now for our TOP 3 from last week!! You all did a SUPER job with the sketch, and as always, it's so rewarding for us to see what you do with your creativity and our sketch! 

Janice W.

And our TOP PEACH and winner of the HOT DIGGITY DOG stamp set is:

Shannon Reineri!!!
Congratulations ladies! Please be sure to snag a badge from the sidebar!

Shannon, please email Adrianne (adrianne at peachykeenstamps dot com) with the item you won (HOT DIGGITY DOG) and your mailing address. We'll ship it right out! :)

Thanks so much to everyone who played along this week!!

 ***Don't forget: if you enter all four challenges this month, you are AUTOMATICALLY entered to win a $30.00 Gift Certificate at the end of the month! Everyone has a chance to win some goodies from our shop so don't miss your chance!***


  1. congrats Janice, Cyndy and Shannon....
    great inspiration DT again this week DT :)

  2. congrats to all the winner you guys did a awesome

  3. I won... I WON *SQUEEEE* Thank You! I am so excited my first win. Congratz to Janice and Cyndy too. Everyone did an awsome job. I see so much beutiful work everyone works so hard to create. Its realy amazing!

  4. Awesome job ladies! And top 3 your cards are BEAUTIFUL!!!! Congratulations. Hugs- Glora

  5. Congratulations to the TOP THREE! Gorgeous Samples DT!

  6. Always amazing inspiration and so much FUN!!

  7. Great projects from the DT!!! I love Anything goes!!

  8. Great job on all the creations! Awesome challenge:)
    sherrie K

  9. Thank you for the beautiful inspiration ladies! Have a lovely day!

  10. Congrats to all the winner!!!AWESOME job too all,Thanks for a great challenge!!!:)
