Thursday, June 21, 2012

Peachy Challenge 23 :: Anything Goes!

Hello & Happy Friday to you!
I hope you've all managed to make it through the heat wave that struck most of the country this week. WHEW! I don't know about you guys, but I was so wishing for a pool!

One of my favorite things to do on a hot, hot day is to stay in the air conditioning and organize my scrap/art stuff. Seems weird, but it works! Just like in the winter when it's too cold, some days it's just TOO hot to do anything else! Anyone else spend time with their Peachy Keen Stamps this week?

We were so excited to look through this week's entries that we're thinkin' that might've been the case!
You all did a really fabulous job with the sketch, and we're excited to share our TOP 3 right after we give you the next challenge!

This week's challenge is ANYTHING GOES!!
Just use your PEACHY KEEN STAMPS and link up!
We'll be awarding "TOP PEACH" to the player who uses their Peachy Keen Stamps this week and  our two runner ups will receive a spiffy badge to display on their blog!

  • Design must be new
  • Link up by 6/27 - 11:59 pm EST
  • For this particular challenge, you must use Peachy Keen Stamps to link up. (For other challenges, you don't need our stamps to play along, this only applies to the "Anything Goes" Challenge)
  • Sorry, any entry that does not meet the guidelines for this challenge (does not use Peachy Keen Stamps) will be automatically removed without notice.

The Design Team is always so creative and we're so happy they lend inspiration each week! 

******************** TOP 3 ********************


Congratulations, Ladies!! Make sure you snag your badges from the sidebar - you earned it!

Remember, when along with every challenge this month, you'll automatically be entered to win a $30.00 gift certificate from Peachy Keen Stamps!


  1. Thank you so much for picking me as top 3! I am so excited! Congrats to the other winners too! DT did a great job, can't wait to play along with this week's challenge. :)

  2. WoW...great cards...congrats to the top 3. Lee-Ann :)

  3. THANK YOU soooooo much! I am so honored and totally shocked! Your compnay, challenges and design team are truly AMAZING!!! Congrats to the other winner! The entries were seriously FABULOUS!!!!

  4. Thanks for picking my card in the Top 3! I had a great time with this sketch! I love my PKS! I enjoyed looking at everyone's creations.

  5. Congrats to the winner and top three!! I love the anything goes challenges!!

  6. Congrats to all winners!New Follower.Submitted my project.

  7. Great cards form the DT Members, I have enter a mini card for this challenge!

  8. Great cards and creations!! I just entered a card in the challenge!!

  9. Congrats to the top 3!!!Great job DT and thanks for another AWESOME challenge!!!:)
