Thursday, November 1, 2012

Peachy Keen Challenge 42 :: Sketch

You know what that means here at the Peachy Place, right?
A NEW Challenge to play along with!!
 Today we're mixing things up a bit with a sketch that includes  several great elements for you to 
creatively incorporate into your card or project.

THE CHALLENGE :: PKS 42 :: Sketch
Create a card or layout using the provided sketch!
We'll be awarding "TOP PEACH" to the player who uses their Peachy Keen Stamps this week and they, along with our three runner ups will receive a spiffy badge to display on their blog!
  • Design must be new, created specifically for this challenge
  • Must be a card or layout that follows the sketch provided
  • Link up by 11/7 - 11:59 pm EDT
  • Remember, you don't have to use our stamps to link up, but they are required to earn TOP PEACH!  
Our designers have created some eye-popping inspiration and I hope you'll visit each of them to let them know what you think!  Don't forget to check below our inspiration photos for details on the winners from our 3-D Wall Art Challenge!

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You all did a GREAT job on our 3-D Challenge!  We know that it was a tough one and indeed was a challenge, and you certainly rose to the occasion!  Here's who came in with our Top 3 and Top Peach positions!  Thanks to each and every one of you who played along!  We LOVE how creative you were with this one!

(Be sure to click on her name and visit her blog so you can see the close up photos!
She used A LOT of Peachy Keen Stamps on this one!!)

Congratulations, ladies!  Be sure to grab your badges in the sidebar!
And now, last but certainly not least, it's time to announce our winner of the $30 Gift Certificate.  This GC is awarded monthly to one lucky person  who has played along with our challenges every week for the
entire month.   The names of everyone who played along with each challenge last month were compiled for a random drawing, and this month's random winner is:


Congratulations, Gigi!  Thanks for your faithful participation in our challenges, and please be looking for an email from Adrianne to let you know how to claim your prize.


  1. CONGRATS GIGI !!! Wonderful projects DT, Love all of them :)

  2. Wow ladies, these are terrific! And congrats to the top 3 and to KATE for being the Top Peach! And congrats to Gigi for her awesome win! You ladies are AMAZING!!!!

  3. congrats to this weeks top peach, I just loved Kate's project and knew it was a winner. Congrats to Kim and Emily as well on making top 3! ty for picking my banner as runner up as well!! So glad I finally got back into my blog so I could share it with you. WTG Gigi, have fun shopping!

  4. whoops...sry forgot to include that I like the sketch for the new challenge and the DT's did a great job inspiring us. see you all next week!!

  5. Thanks for picking my project for the top 3! Congrats to the other winners and the Top Peach. All the entries were so cute, and I always love to see the talented ideas everyone comes up with for this challenge!

  6. Congrats to all the winners!!! Great job everyone :)

  7. Super Cute card from the DT. Congrats to the Top 3 and Thanks for picking my project for Top Peach :)

  8. What amazing projects top 3 and Peach! I am so excited that I won! New Peachy Keen stamps is always at the top of my favorites!!! Thank you so much!
    The DT did a fabulous job as always with their wonderful inspiration!

  9. nice array of projects this week! Congrats to the winners of last week's challenge!

  10. What a great sketch DT did a great job, congrats to last weeks winners!

  11. Congrats to the winners! DT thanks for all the inspiration, I just linked to another great PK challenge:)

    Peace, Love, & Cricut Hugs!
    Monica L.

  12. CONGRATS Gigi and all the winners!!!BEAUTIFUL job to all the DT and thanks for another GREAT challenge!!!:)

  13. Congrats to the winners!!! What a great job by the DT:) The projects are awesome. Thanks for a fun sketch challenge!
    Sherrie K

  14. congrats to the winners, As always the DT's inspiration was fabulous!!Thank you for the sketch and for your sweet comments last week :)

    Have a wonderful day!
