All About Me Challenges
Whimsical Scraps & Bugs
SP Color Combos
Sewn Together/Sew Many Cards
The Chirper Challenge
Peachy Keen Stamps
Practical Scrappers
Just Buggin’
Creative Twist
The Crafting Pot
Scrapbooks n' Stuff
The guidelines set up for your entry are:
1. Sign up as a follower on all of the blogs listed
2. Leave a comment in this post
3. Make a card/LO with the PKS sketch (below), for your submission on OUR blog and link it to your post with Mr. Linky below.
(We have challenges once every two weeks. Most are fairly simple card sketches, but sometimes we throw a wrench in the works, just for fun. We give away a prize at the end of each challenge and the winner is announced at the start of the new challenge. We are a fairly new blog and we like to encourage beginners, so we use pickrandom.com to choose our winners).

We have a great group of talented designers that graciously extend their time to make cards for us. Vivienne Holden, Lorie Souther, Diane Markle and Sonia Kertznus (currently away). Welcome please, our two guest designers for the blog hop, Emma Aguilar and Lauri Ingram. Thank you so much to all of our designers for their quick thinking and their awesome samples!
Look at her adorable take on this sketch! She used our Monster's n More Faces and one of our Pumpkin Faces.
I know I will have to go and read on her post!
How amazing our PK-311 Snowmany Thanks looks when done up by this pro!!

These two look to be skating together in perfect rhythm!
2 pkgs of Doodlecharm 6 x 6 cardstock packs, 4 Peachy Keen Stamps packages & an acrylic block!